I'm 8 weeks this week. So far this pregnancy has been really easy (knock on wood). I have been very tired and take a nap almost everyday but I haven't had any other symptons. I haven't felt sick any so that's been great. I hope it doesn't start. I do feel like I'm already showing. I had lunch with a friend last week and she is 23 weeks along and I looked more pregnant than she does. At first I thought I was already showing because there was more than one in there (there was a possibility of multiples) now I just think I'm showing because I was kind of fat by the time I finally go pregnant. I haven't gained any weight but I do think all my weight is starting to shift around to the front.
We go back to the doctor in 2 weeks. This will be our first visit with our OB. I am excited to meet him and excited to have another sono just to make sure everything is still looking good. I really need to get the nursery cleaned out before I go back to work in 3 weeks. It is our junk room right now and is a disaster. If I don't do it now I won't want to do it when I'm back at work. So that is my goal-clean that room!!
angela you look so cute! I can see that baby bump! and no I don't think it's a food baby this time! So so so happy for you. :)