These last 6 weeks have been so busy. We are finally pregnant and are so excited!! It wasn't easy getting to where we are but it was so worth it. This is what these past 6 weeks have looked like:
May 24th-finally AF reared her ugly head (sorry-TMI for some of you)
May 26th-appt. with Dr. B-injection training and we were given a calendar of what the next 2 weeks will look like.
Started taking letrozole-its actually a medication they give women with breast cancer-because of this it was the one and only thing that my insurance covered during this process. I took this for 5 days and the side effects were not fun!!
May 29th-started follistim injections. These are given in the stomach and are meant for you to do them yourself. Well if you know me you know I hate needles so I drove 30 min. every day for 5 days so my mom could give them to me. So glad she is a nurse! The needles were pretty small but it was still very uncomfortable.
June 3rd-had a sono done in Dr. B's office. It's a follicle scan to see if the meds worked and are working. No follicles on my right ovary. 2 follicles on my left ovary-both are measuring around 17mm and need to be a little bigger. Dr. tells us its just like a chicken and a real egg-you need to sit on it for a few more days before they are ready :)
June 4th-hcg injection to make me ovulate-OUCH!!
June 5th-report to office for IUI. Michael had to be there at 8:30 to give his sample and I waited in the waiting room-poor guy! He did great. 76 million pre-wash and 16 million post-wash with great motility and morphology!! I was glad we were the only ones there that day so there wasn't any mix up :)
We left and came back at 9:30 for the insemination. Wasn't too bad-a little uncomfortable. I had to lay on the table for about 15 minutes afterwards with my feet up in the air. Ha!
Now for the 2 week wait! Wow-that was not fun. I tried to stay busy and keep my mind off everything but it was the longest 2 weeks of my life.
June 18th-9:00 am-blood test in Dr. B's office. Time stood still that day. No really it stood still. Michael was flying over the Atlantic Ocean coming home from a trip to England so I was all alone. They finally called around 1:40 with the news. My beta level was 50-I was PREGNANT!! I was in shock and crying on the phone. I really didn't think I was. I think maybe I was just preparing myself for the worst.
I tortured my friends and family that whole day because I didn't want to tell anyone the news until Michael got home and I could tell him. They were all troopers and managed to survive. Michael got home around 10 that night-he was so excited to hear the news and broke down in tears.
We share the news with everyone and celebrate.
June 21st-go back for 2nd beta-it should double every 48 hours so they wanted to see it over 100-it was 190!! God is good! Dr told me she was surprised it worked the first time-she thought because of our problems that it would happen but that it would take a few times. She said we are some of the lucky ones. I told her we had a lot of people praying for us and those prayers were answered!
July 7th-first ultrasound at 6wk3d. I had been praying that the little baby was growing in the right place. I was a little worried about my left tubes because they were "sluggish" when I had my hsg done in November. I was just hoping the baby made it out of there and into my uterus. My blood pressure was kind of high and my heart was racing because I was so nervous.
It is too early to hear the heartbeat but the Dr. said we would be able to see it. She said to look for 2 little pieces of rice that are moving back and forth. That is exactly what it looked like. Baby V was in the right place and his/her heartbeat was just beating away. What an amazing feeling. I was in tears!
Dr said everything looked so good she's not even going to see me anymore. It's bittersweet. I'm so glad everything is great and we can move on to an OB. I am so thankful for Dr. B and her office. I'm sure we will be back next summer ready to try for baby #2!
We still have a long road ahead of us but can't wait for everything! I'm so glad we kept our faith in God this whole time. That is the only reason we were able to stay sane and make it through everything!
Stay tuned for more updates and a few pics!!